Talking Danny is a project created by Barry, for a talent show in Danny’s Diner. In Diner’s Got Talent 1, a similar project through a Discord bot was made. This was called the “Depression Fixer 5000” and was a joke on how to fix depression. Barry is very talented in making Discord bot, so he made Talking Danny, a Talking Ben parody , for Dinner’s Got Talent 2. With some AI voice changer Barry and his friend Speedy generated voice lines for the project. Some lines like laughing or him screaming ‘subscribe’ couldnt be generated. Although the subscribe line was easy, the laughing line wasnt. Danny never properly laughed in his shorts, and refused to recording a voice line for us. But because I was rejected by 3deez himself. didnt mean I needed to give up. So here is what I’ve been working on for a while now, Talking Danny.